Course Overview

The course will also explain the significance of recovering resources from wastewater solids and discuss the uses of biosolids, focusing on resource recovery and the social, economic and environmental effectiveness for agriculture and the benefits for Earth’s ecosystems.

The course will give participants an understanding of:

  • The types of solids found in wastewater and in what processes they are managed.
  • Importance of recovering nutrients, especially nitrogen and phosphorus, from wastewater and the development of research and technologies to better accomplish this.
  • The need for nutrients from biosolids for sustainable farming practices.
  • Possible methods for agricultural land application of biosolids and alternative uses of biosolids.
  • The Nutrient Management Act of Ontario.
  • How wastewater treatment facilities can become water recovery facilities as well as deal with other waste products impacting our environment.
  • Value of recovering energy from wastewater and evolving technology to improve it.

Duration & Credits

1.0 Day • 0.7 CEU

Upcoming Course Dates / Locations

  • We have reached capacity for registrations for 2024, as a result we will no longer be accepting new registrations at this time. Please stay connected with us for updates on 2025. 

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* All course fees include 13% HST tax